We are all about Africa!  From creating a GIS on the continent, to expanding our knowledge on the various markets. We use local sources as a footprint onto the continent.

Together with Asset Magazine, (a leading interactive digital publication, with 10,500 Linked in followers, 1,700 Twitter and 22,000 Mail subscribers to their magazines (www.assetmag.co.za) we are producing the first Digital Sub Saharan Africa Shopping Directory.

The directory excludes South Africa and North Africa (represented by South African Council of Shopping Centres and Middle East Council of Shopping Centres)

Shopping Centres follow the growth in housing and infrastructure. Today, there are over 350 centres in Sub Saharan Africa that are over 10,000 square metres. If one looks at Africa twenty years ago, there were few centres, limited infrastructure, airports beginning to undergo renovation, and the shift to urban areas. This resulted in satellite towns and even more housing.

If over 50% of the continent now have access to the internet and most have mobile phones, this is is a market you need! We do believe that the ideal would be region by region for maximum growth! COntact us at shopping@marketdecisions.co.za


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